Star Treatment Pilates LuAnn Klein

As a Certified Health Education Specialist, with a degree in Community Health Education from the University of Arizona, LuAnn has spent her career in helping others achieve optimal health and wellness through behavior modification programs in nutrition, weight management, smoking cessation, fitness and chronic disease management.  She has led group classes and provided individualized plans to participants in community sponsored, employer sponsored and health plan sponsored programs. Some of her corporate clients have included Gulfstream Aircraft, Office Depot, Boeing, Toyota, Mobil Oil, U.S. Borax, The United States Coast Guard, HealthNet, Pacificare, SCAN, the City of Long Beach, and Long Beach Memorial Medical Center.

After knee surgery in 1998, LuAnn found Pilates through Long Beach Dance Conditioning (LBDC), founded by Marie Jose Blom, to rehabilitate and regain strength.  After several years of Pilates classes and training, she returned to LBDC, this time as a student, not a client. LBDC is also a premiere teacher training facility, known throughout the world for turning out the most highly educated and best-prepared Pilates instructors. Over 450 hours are spent in the classroom and in internship to receive certification. The course includes work with all apparatus and mat repertoire, coupled with functional anatomy and biomechanics, kinesiology, rehabilitation, injury prevention, posture analysis and adaptation.

Founding Star Treatment Pilates has enabled LuAnn to fulfill her dreams of having a home-based business that fuels her passion for Pilates and brings the method to everyone in a cost-effective manner. Personal Pilates training shouldn't be cost-prohibitive for the average person. Joseph Pilates dreamed of bringing his method to everyone, rich and famous or not.   LuAnn feels the same way.